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  • Introducing our new “Cirrus HD-OCT”

    This is our final announcement in our 7 part series on new technologies to improve patient care at Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery: We are excited to announce our new state-of-the-art glaucoma and retinal health assessment tool – the “Cirrus™ HD-OCT”.  The Cirrus™ HD-OCT performs a powerful test to help doctors identify early signs of […]

    Continue Reading September 15, 2016

  • Donate a Photo – Help a Baby See

    Help a baby see by donating a photo today. « Optometry Cares – The AOA Foundation. By donating a photo you can help a baby see tomorrow. It’s an easy way to donate to a great cause by simply sharing a photo.

    Continue Reading September 8, 2016

  • Suit Up for Sports Safety

    Suit Up for Sports Safety Avoid sports-related eye injuries, insist on protective eyewear policy HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (September 6, 2016) – Shin guards for soccer, shoulder pads for football, and batting helmets for baseball and softball. Almost every sport has its own unique safety equipment, but according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell, most participants in sports forget […]

    Continue Reading September 6, 2016

  • Marco TRS-5100 – New Refractor

    Advanced Eyecare and Vision Gallery is proud to announce the Marco TRS-5100 refractor.   Together with our new  OPD-Scan III Wavefront system they create the XFRACTIONSM process. These remarkable instruments use the most advanced digital technology available to help us better evaluate your unique needs and provide you with the best possible vision. Far more than […]

    Continue Reading July 28, 2016

  • TearLab Osmolarity System

    Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery is happy to introduce the TearLab Osmolarity system. Osmolarity is an important indicator of ocular surface health. It is a critical biomarker to measure when preparing the ocular surface for surgery, fitting contact lenses and managing dry eye. This marvelous system will allow us to measure increases and decreases in […]

    Continue Reading July 12, 2016

  • Our New Optomap

    Protect your vision We are happy to introduce to you the latest technology in eye care – our new optomap imaging device the “Daytona P200T”.  This technically advanced diagnostic tool will allow us to discover abnormalities, confirm the health of your retina, diagnose any potentially harmful diseases, and if necessary, determine the best course of […]

    Continue Reading May 31, 2016

  • Dry Eye Center of Excellence

    ADVANCED EYECARE OF HILLSBOROUGH CERTIFIED AS A DRY EYE CENTER OF EXCELLENCE TO PRESCRIBE BIO-TISSUE’S ADVANCED DRY EYE TREATMENTS HILLSBOROUGH, NJ, April 15, 2016 – Advanced Eyecare of Hillsborough has been certified to prescribe and administer advanced treatments for Dry Eye Disease by Bio-Tissue, the industry leader in regenerative tissue therapies and ocular hygiene products […]

    Continue Reading May 19, 2016

  • Best technology and care for our patients

    We use highly sophisticated technology to diagnose your vision. At Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery, we use the innovative OPD III Wavefront system. This remarkable instrument uses the most advanced digital technology available to better evaluate your unique needs and provide you with the best possible vision. Far more than just a refractive examination, this […]

    Continue Reading April 15, 2016