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  • Proclamation – August Children’s Vision & Learning Month

    We are so excited that New Jersey has once again declared August Children’s Vision & Learning Month.  We want to make sure everyone is aware of how undiagnosed and untreated vision disorders can interfere with a child’s ability to read and learn.  Please help us spread the word and encourage parents to have their children […]

    Continue Reading August 14, 2018


      Don’t forget to schedule your kiddo’s comprehensive eye exam before summer ends. Make an appointment today to check out our back-to-school EYE-ssentials and book-smart styles! #BackToSchool Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery (908) 281-0800. 305 Omni Drive Hillsborough, NJ 08844

    Continue Reading August 9, 2018

  • Fireworks Eye Safety Month

    Happy Independence Day! Please stay safe by avoiding fireworks injuries which can be very dangerous especially for children. Vision Source makes us aware of how fireworks can be dangerous and as fun and beautiful as fireworks are, they can also be extremely dangerous. In fact, over 10,000 fireworks-related injuries were reported in 2014, 1,300 of […]

    Continue Reading July 3, 2018

  • Happy Summer

    Long days, warm weather. Soak up the summer with the perfect pair of suns. Schedule your annual eye exam and come check out our collection of sunglasses. Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery (908) 281-0800.

    Continue Reading June 21, 2018

  • Why are Sunglasses so Important?

    Protection for the Naked Eye Why sunglasses are so important and why we need to protect our eyes — and our children’s eyes — from sun exposure. We hope it will inspire you to wear sunglasses whenever you’re outdoors! And a special thanks to the Vision Council for producing this wonderful infographic in honor of National […]

    Continue Reading June 5, 2018

  • June is Cataract Awareness Month

    Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in people 55 and older.  They affect 1 in 6 Americans over the age of 40 and even the most healthy and active individuals will likely develop cataracts. June is Cataract Awareness Month and a comprehensive eye exam can help detect or rule out many eye problems.  It’s […]

    Continue Reading June 5, 2018

  • Medical Services for Your Eyes

    We meet the needs of your whole family At Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery, we provide a wide array of vision solutions to fit your individual needs and lifestyle.  We are dedicated to providing professional and personalized care and ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of each and every patient. In addition to comprehensive eye health […]

    Continue Reading June 4, 2018


    Dry, scratchy or burning eyes. The sensation that there’s something in your eyes. Watery eyes. It could be allergies. It could be something “in the air.” Or it could be Dry Eye Syndrome. Dry Eye Syndrome is a chronic condition where the eyes either do not produce enough tears, or produce tears that evaporate too […]

    Continue Reading April 3, 2018