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Do you have the Bleph?


Blepharitis is an inflammation of your eyelids or eyelash area.  It is a common skin condition that can cause sore, red and crusty or sticky eyelashes.  The condition can be a result of poor eyelid hygiene, a low-grade bacterial infection (usually staphylococcal), an allergic reaction and/or abnormalities in oil gland function. (1)

Blepharitis symptoms can include:

  • Crusty or dandruff-type flakes on eyelashes
  • Gritty or burning sensation
  • Dry eyes
  • Red or swollen eyelids
  • Eye or eyelid irritation

If left untreated, this persistent skin condition can develop more severe symptoms such as blurry vision, missing eyelashes or eyelashes growing in wrong direction.  In some cases, eye tissue inflammation or secondary infections may develop.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Blepharitis and the condition rarely disappears completely.  However, effective treatment can limit eyelid inflammation before serious damage occurs to your eyes or eyelids.  If you suspect you may have Blepharitis, give us a call and our team of experienced doctors will asses the severity of  your problem.  They will determine the cause of the symptoms and provide the best treatment option for optimal relief and comfort.


1.   Vision Source – Eye-Conditions.
2.  American Opthometric Association A Glossary of eye and Vision Conditions.