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  • November is Diabetes Awareness Month

    Diabetes Protect Your Vision The National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2020 show that cases of diabetes have risen to an estimated 34.2 million, according to the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control).[1]   Patients with this condition should be aware that diabetes not only affects their overall health but it can also affect the health of their […]

    Continue Reading November 2, 2021

  • Digital Eye Strain

    Recognize the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain Many patients are suffering from digital eye strain symptoms and simply do not realize what is happening with their eyes or vision.  Your eye care provider is the best resource to make a diagnosis with a comprehensive eye exam, tests and health history.  However, here are some symptoms […]

    Continue Reading August 24, 2021

  • 8 Reasons Why You Should Have Your Eyes Examined

    Do you ever wonder why a comprehensive eye exam is so important? If you’re like many people, you may see your eye exam as just another part of a general checkup. Usually, not a high priority exam that is often overlooked. But, here are 8 reasons why you should schedule your eye exam today: Eyesight […]

    Continue Reading June 29, 2021

  • Headaches?

    If visual impairment is causing you headaches. We can identify the problem and help improve your quality of life. And it all starts with a comprehensive eye exam.   Schedule your next appointment with us today. Online: WWW.EYECARE-NJ.COM Phone: (908) 281-0800

    Continue Reading June 22, 2021

  • Nike Eyewear

    NEW Collection Nike Eyewear Our new Nike display case has arrived and it’s fully loaded with all the classics and latest trending styles. Come check out this sporty collection with advanced materials trusted by world-class athletes for performance & durability.

    Continue Reading June 1, 2021

  • Is spring irritating your eyes?

    Spring Allergies Are you struggling with dry, red, itchy or irritated eyes? We can help, contact us today at (908) 281-0800. We can offer real relief for ocular allergies with : Prescription medications. Daily wear contact lenses that reduce allergen build up. Prescription eyeglasses or sunglasses when you need to take a break from your […]

    Continue Reading March 25, 2021

  • Workplace Wellness Month

    If you’ve been experiencing eye strain symptoms such as headaches, loss of focus, burning or tired eyes, blurred vision, and neck or shoulder pain.  Give us a call today and schedule your eye exam with our knowledgeable, caring and professional doctors.  We’d love to meet you and remedy any issues regarding your vision and help […]

    Continue Reading March 2, 2021

  • Holiday Hours

    Happy Holidays Please note, our holiday hours for December and January. Wishing all our patients and their families a safe and Happy Holidays.  

    Continue Reading December 3, 2020

  • Myopia Consultations Available

    Myopia. Nearsightedness. No matter what you call it, it’s an increasing problem for our youth. Click here to learn more about it. Dr. Kaur, Dr. Moy and Dr. Farooqui are currently available for myopia control consultations and would be delighted to review your options and answer your questions.  To discuss myopia control treatment options, schedule […]

    Continue Reading November 12, 2020