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  • Is Your Child Nearsighted?

    Is your child nearsighted?  Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects that are near to you clearly but objects that are father away are viewed blurry.(1)   If your child has myopia they may be having trouble seeing objects at a distance.  This maybe why they are having trouble in […]

    Continue Reading January 16, 2020

  • 10 Worst Toys

    December is Toys Safety Month, please share and be aware of the “10 Worst Toys” recently nominated by W.A.T.C.H. (World Against Toys Causing Harm) this holiday season. W.A.T.C.H. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about dangerous children’s products and protecting children from harm.   They help advise the public of many toys that […]

    Continue Reading December 5, 2019

  • Dry Eyes?

    At Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery we use the latest technologies available to examine your eyes.   Our Keratograph 5M has a high-resolution color camera and is equipped with intelligent software to analyze the collected data and document the findings.   It can also compare the results and together with your knowledgeable doctor can monitor the success […]

    Continue Reading November 21, 2019

  • Myopia

    Myopia Increases the Risk of Serious, Sight Threatening Complications Myopia Control Therapy is used to slow down the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children typically between the ages of 6-18.  Therapy is recommended for children whose nearsightedness worsens quickly.  The typical age when vision worsens quickly is between 8-12 years old, thus therapy is most effective when […]

    Continue Reading October 8, 2019

  • Contact Lens Safety

    Look Your Best and Keep Your Eyes Safe Be smart and don’t overlook healthy contact lens wear and care. Halloween is quickly approaching and you maybe considering purchasing some fun contact lenses to add to your costume.  Before making your purchase – please understand the risk and requirements associated with wearing contact lenses and avoid […]

    Continue Reading October 1, 2019

  • What’s New?

    New Beverage Station During your next visit, please help yourself to a complimentary beverage. We don’t expect you to wait long – but we’d like you to experience excellent care the minute you walk through our doors.  

    Continue Reading September 26, 2019

  • September is Sports Eye Safety Month

    Suit Up for Sports Safety Avoid sports-related eye injuries, make sure to wear protective eyewear Shin guards for soccer, shoulder pads for football, and batting helmets for baseball and softball. Almost every sport has its own unique safety equipment, but according to Dr. Sundeep Kaur, most participants in sports forget to protect one of the […]

    Continue Reading August 27, 2019