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  • Pink Eye

    What you should know about pink eye and how you can prevent a pink eye outbreak in the classroom. pink-eye-facts

    Continue Reading August 31, 2015

  • Sunglasses and the Sun

      Do Your Sunglasses Really Protect Your Eyes from the Sun? Dr. Barbara Tarbell/Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery stresses importance of quality UV protection to prevent eye and vision problems. HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (July 9, 2015)—As Americans are planning spring and summer vacations, many may be contemplating buying a new pair of stylish sunglasses. Dr. Barbara […]

    Continue Reading July 9, 2015

  • Fireworks Safety

    Dr. Tarbell offers some eye opening facts about fireworks -related injuries.  Click on the below link to read about firework safety. July – Fireworks Safety – PRESS RELEASE      

    Continue Reading July 2, 2015

  • Contact Lenses and Water

    Why Contact Lenses and Water Don’t Mix Water often contains bacteria that can cause eye infections; Dr. Barbara Tarbell/Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery recommends good hygiene practices for contact lens wearers HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (June 15, 2015)—Looking to escape the summer heat, Americans will flock to local pools, waterparks, or larger bodies of water for a […]

    Continue Reading June 15, 2015

  • Be Sun-Wise With Your Eyes

    Dr. Barbara Tarbell discusses damages to eyes from UV exposure HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (May 1, 2015) – The same sun rays that lead to skin cancer and premature aging of the skin are just as bad for your eyes, according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell. The culprit is ultraviolet (UV) rays and because May is National UV […]

    Continue Reading May 1, 2015

  • Is it allergies or perhaps something else?

    Deciphering Between Allergies and Dry Eye Syndrome Women are more prone, hormone therapy may increase incidences HILLSBOROUGH, NJ ( April 1, 2015) – Everyone experiences the symptoms from time to time: burning, irritable eyes, and/or a sensation that something is actually scratching the eye. The symptoms are chronic for 3 million American women, according to […]

    Continue Reading April 1, 2015

  • Save $500* off Lasik

        Now thru 5/31/15 our patients can receive $500 off Lasik surgery @ TLC. Call us today to schedule your eye exam at 908-281-0800. You may be a candidate for Lasik.   *$500 Savings ($250 off per eye) valid on Bladeless Custom LASIK only. Discount can be used only at participating TLC centers. Patient […]

    Continue Reading March 19, 2015

  • Computer Vision Syndrome

    PRESS RELEASE Don’t Let Your Job Be a Pain Workplace safety addresses computer vision syndrome Hillsborough, NJ (March 2, 2015) – Approximately 100 million American workers are affected by computer eyestrain, a symptom of computer vision syndrome (CVS), according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell. “March is Eye Safety in the Workplace Month, and as our nation […]

    Continue Reading March 2, 2015