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  • Is it Allergies or Dry Eye Syndrome?

    Deciphering Between Allergies and Dry Eye Syndrome Women are more prone, hormone therapy may increase incidences Hillsborough, NJ April 1, 2016 – Everyone experiences the symptoms from time to time: burning, irritable eyes, and/or a sensation that something is actually scratching the eye. The symptoms are chronic for 3 million American women, according to Dr. […]

    Continue Reading March 31, 2016

  • Free Tool to Test Macular Degeneration

    Are you afraid of Macular Degeneration – the leading cause of vision loss? Please use the Amsler Grid link below to detect changes in your eyesight that may be warning signs of macular degeneration. Free Tool to Test Macular Degeneration Please call us today at 908-281-0800 if you have any concerns regarding your vision.  Our […]

    Continue Reading March 24, 2016

  • AMD Awareness Month

    Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month, common questions. HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (February 1, 2016) – An estimated 10 million Americans show evidence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a progressive eye condition that can destroy “straight-ahead” vision, according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell. “February is AMD Awareness Month and we encourage all people, especially those at higher risk for this […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2016

  • Briot eMotion

    Introducing our new Briot eMotion edger, it delivers the most precise customized lens that will best fit your vision needs. At Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery, we continuously invest in the latest state-of-the-art optical equipment.  Our technology and experience allows us to provide our patients with exceptional optical materials and services. Are you ready for […]

    Continue Reading December 31, 2015

  • The Unseen Danger of Diabetes

    Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness among adults HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (November 2, 2015) – November is National Diabetes Month and Dr. Barbara Tarbell encourages anyone who has, or may be at risk for, diabetes to have an annual eye examination. “Diabetes affects 18.2 million Americans, 5.2 million of which may not even […]

    Continue Reading November 2, 2015

  • Fall Newsletter

    In This Issue: Cataract Surgery Modern IOLs Choosing Eyeglasses That Suit Your Style Great recipe and Dry eye information  

    Continue Reading October 26, 2015

  • Keeping Your Eyes Safe at Home

    Home improvement projects pose danger to vision HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (October 1, 2015) – Home is a place we think of as a refuge, but when it comes to the eyes, home can be a very dangerous place, according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell. “Every year in the US, more than 125,000 people suffer injuries to the […]

    Continue Reading October 1, 2015

  • Suit Up for Sports Safety

    Avoid sports-related eye injuries, insist on protective eyewear policy HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (September 10, 2015) – Shin guards for soccer, shoulder pads for football, and batting helmets for baseball and softball. Almost every sport has its own unique safety equipment, but according to Dr. Barbara Tarbell, most participants in sports forget to protect one of the […]

    Continue Reading September 10, 2015