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  • Need an Upgrade?

    Are your choosing the right contacts for your eyes? If you feel your contact lenses are not providing clear vision and comfort then you have many new options.  Contact lens technology has progressed immensely since its inception and there are many options that will have you wearing contact lenses again.  Our doctors strive for excellence […]

    Continue Reading March 22, 2018

  • Workplace Eye Wellness / Save Your Vision Month

    Workplace Eye Wellness / Save Your Vision Month As per the American Optometric Association, nearly one million Americans have lost some degree of eyesight due to an eye injury.   Make sure you understand the risks for eye injuries at home and at your workplace and wear the appropriate safety eyewear to help prevent an emergency. […]

    Continue Reading March 6, 2018

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

    AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) is a chronic eye disease that causes loss of the straight-ahead vision that is crucial for activities like reading or driving. AMD affects more than 10 million Americans and is now the leading cause of blindness in adults over 60 years of age. Our office can provide information on the risk […]

    Continue Reading January 30, 2018

  • Need New Glasses?

    Buy One, Get One – Free What’s better than one pair of glasses? Two! Get a second pair of lenses free when you purchase the Ultimate Lens Package. The Ultimate Lens Package by Essilor combines three technologies in one lens for your ultimate in vision, clarity and protection. Hurry, this offer will end Feb. 28, […]

    Continue Reading January 23, 2018

  • Glaucoma

    Glaucoma No pains, no symptoms. Early detection is the key to protecting your vision from the damages of Glaucoma and other eye diseases. Make your vision a priority and schedule your comprehensive eye exam today at (908) 281-0800. Our professional and caring doctors are dedicated to delivering the best eye care available while providing highly […]

    Continue Reading January 17, 2018

  • Glaucoma Awareness Month

    Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness. January is “Glaucoma Awareness” month.  Please help us spread the word and possibly save someone’s vision. We encourage everyone, especially those at higher risk for this disease, to familiarize themselves with the potential symptoms and need for regular eye examinations.  A regular eye examination is especially […]

    Continue Reading January 2, 2018

  • Blue Light Exposure

    Blue light has caused a huge increase in digital eye strain not only in adults, but in children as well. The blue light coming off our favorite screens are extremely difficult for the human eye to focus, which causes our eyes to work overtime.  This can lead to headaches, tired eyes, and blurry vision. Help […]

    Continue Reading November 30, 2017

  • Diabetes Awareness Month

     The Unseen Danger of Diabetes Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness among adults HILLSBOROUGH, NJ (November 1, 2018) – November is National Diabetes Month and Dr. Barbara Tarbell encourages anyone who has, or may be at risk for, diabetes to have an annual eye examination. “Diabetes affects 18.2 million Americans, 5.2 million […]

    Continue Reading October 26, 2017

  • A Look At Eye Exams

    Here’s an info-graphic on the importance of eye exams and what you can expect.   Your vision may impact your quality of life, and we don’t want you to miss out on any amazing views.  If you or your family members have not had a comprehensive eye exam, call us at 908-281-0800 to schedule your […]

    Continue Reading October 5, 2017