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Start 2020 Clearly with a #2020EyeExam


We all know the importance of an annual physical to ensure our health. But what about your eyes? Sure, you may think of this as necessary only if you wear glasses or contacts, or perhaps have a problem with your vision. Think again because a comprehensive eye exam is just as important to your health as an annual physical.

Why? You may not even know you have a vision problem. That’s right. Many eye and vision issues show no obvious signs or symptoms. Everything seems fine but that simply may not be true.

Even if your vision is 20/20, if you want to be as healthy as possible, there’s no better place to start than by making 2020 THE YEAR of your eye exam!

Scheduling a 2020 comprehensive eye exam with your AOA doctor of optometry is the simplest step you can take to preserve your eye health. Through a comprehensive eye exam, doctors of optometry can identify early signs of more than 270 different diseases – such as diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, and some kinds of cancer – before they produce symptoms. An early diagnosis and treatment plan can help ensure that your eyes remain healthy, even to the point of preventing vision loss, if such problems persist. That’s why it’s important to make proper eye care part of your ongoing health care routine.

Don’t confuse a comprehensive eye exam with a vision screening. You may remember this from your first days in school or the simple eye test that you take at your primary care doctor’s office. Such a simple vision screening cannot assess your overall eye and vision health.

A comprehensive eye exam goes much deeper. Your doctor will review your health history, including your overall health, eye or vision symptoms, medications, and potential work-related or environmental issues that may affect your vision. The exam also will include any past issues that you and your family may have or have had with vision and health conditions.

Several tests are then conducted based on your specific situation and your optometrist’s professional judgment. All of your test results will be evaluated to determine if you have any visual or eye health problems. If you do, they will discuss these problems and recommend treatment options, including the need for additional testing or consultation with other health care providers.

Give yourself peace of mind and show you care for your eyes and vision as part of your overall health routine by scheduling a #2020EyeExam for you and your family today at (908) 281-0800.