10 Worst Toys
December is Toys Safety Month, please share and be aware of the “10 Worst Toys” recently nominated by W.A.T.C.H. (World Against Toys Causing Harm) this holiday season.
W.A.T.C.H. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about dangerous children’s products and protecting children from harm. They help advise the public of many toys that may contain hazards and put children at risk of injury or death. Parents and caregivers should be aware of the following toys that have been added to their list this year.
Nerf Ultra One
Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog
Bunchems Bunch’n Build
Nickelodeon Frozen Treats Slime
Anstoy Electric Toy Gun
Diecast School Bus
Pogo Trick Board
Power Rangers Electronic Cheetah Claw
Viga Pull Along Caterpillar
For full description of each toy and their hazards visit World Against Toys Causing Harm.