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Advanced Eyecare of Hillsborough is Now Offering AMD Genetic Testing

November 5, 2019 – The doctors of Advanced Eyecare of Hillsborough, NJ are pleased to announce that Macula Risk® genetic testing is now being offered for patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

Combined with a routine clinical eye examination, results of the Macula Risk test determine which patients are at the highest risk of vision loss from AMD, and guide our doctors in prescribing the safest, most effective eye vitamin formulations for our patients based on their genetics.

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) has demonstrated that eye vitamins can reduce the risk of patients developing advanced AMD. Recent data suggests, however, that ingredients within the commonly prescribed AREDS formulation, specifically antioxidants and zinc, may be helpful or harmful to some patients based on their genetics.

Knowing this information is key to prescribing the right eye vitamin formulations to our patients and to ensuring that, as eye doctors, we are doing everything we can to protect our patients from vision loss”, states Dr. Sundeep Kaur and Dr. Anna Moy.

In addition to making personalized eye vitamin recommendations to patients, the doctors of Advanced Eyecare of Hillsborough are also using the information provided in the Macula Risk patient report to customize disease management programs for patients based on their risk.

Dr. Moy, comments, “The Macula Risk test allows our doctors to identify and better manage high-risk patients through disease education, at-home vision monitoring, lifestyle modifications and an increased frequency of eye examinations where necessary.” She adds, “If patients have been diagnosed with AMD, or have family members with the disease, we encourage them to come in for a consultation and eye examination to see if the Macula Risk test is right for them.”

Macula Risk is a simple cheek swab that is covered by most insurers for patients with a diagnosis of early or intermediate AMD.

Additional information about the Macula Risk test is available at