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Glaucoma Awareness Month


Did you know that Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve?  It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. The extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye damaging the optic nerve.  And although there is no cure for glaucoma, blindness from it can often be prevented with early treatment.

Keeping eye pressure under control is essential to slowing or stoping damage to the optic nerve and continued loss of vision for patients with glaucoma.  And unfortuntely a lifetime of treatment will be necessary for gloucoma patients because the disease can progress or change without warning.  Eye medications, adjustments and frequent monitoring are necessary to ensure treatment and to keep your eye pressure under control.  If pressures are not kept in the acceptable range, they can rise and cause optic nerve damage and permenanet vision loss.

With early detection, prompt treatment, and regular monitoring our professional and caring doctors will focus on lowering the eye pressure to a level that is least likely to cause further optic nerve damage.    Together we’ll become partners in reducing the chances for vision loss from the sight robbing eye disease.

Don’t allow glaucoma or any other eye disease steal your sight. Make your vision a priority by scheduling your comprehensive eye exam with us today.

schedule your eye exam and don't allow glaucoma to steal your sight.



  1.  AAO – What Is Glaucoma? 
  2. AOA – Glaucoma 
  3. Vision Source – What is Glaucoma?