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Vision Tips – Driving at Night

As you may have noticed, it is getting darker earlier these days as the end of summer signals shorter days and longer nights.  This year, Nov. 4th marks the official end of Daylight Saving time and we would like to share some tips from the American Optometric Association that can help you navigate the roadway more safely.

Vision Tips for Driving at Night

  • Never look directly at an oncoming vehicle, regardless of the type of headlights it has.
  • Clean a dirty, streaked or fogged windshield, outside and inside, to reduce glare and increase visibility.
  • Replace windshield wipers as necessary.
  • Turn off inside lights and turn down dashboard lights to the minimum level to cut down on glare from lights that you are not looking at or toward.
  • Consider prescription eyeglass lenses with anti-reflection coating to minimize distracting light from car dashboards, street lamps and other vehicles.

And if you are having trouble seeing at night, it’s time to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.  Problems seeing can be caused by existing eye conditions or undiagnosed vision problems.  And comprehensive eye exam can help detect eye diseases and disorders such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachments and macular degeneration, as well as other systemic health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

To schedule your exam, call us today at 908-281-0800 our friendly staff can help answer your questions and help schedule your appointment today.

For more information on how to see the light when driving at night, visit