alarm-ringing ambulance angle2 archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up at-sign baby baby2 bag binoculars book-open book2 bookmark2 bubble calendar-check calendar-empty camera2 cart chart-growth check chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up circle-minus circle city clapboard-play clipboard-empty clipboard-text clock clock2 cloud-download cloud-windy cloud clubs cog cross crown cube youtube diamond4 diamonds drop-crossed drop2 earth ellipsis envelope-open envelope exclamation eye-dropper eye facebook file-empty fire flag2 flare foursquare gift glasses google graph hammer-wrench heart-pulse heart home instagram joystick lamp layers lifebuoy link linkedin list lock magic-wand map-marker map medal-empty menu microscope minus moon mustache-glasses paper-plane paperclip papers pen pencil pie-chart pinterest plus-circle plus power printer pushpin question rain reading receipt recycle reminder sad shield-check smartphone smile soccer spades speed-medium spotlights star-empty star-half star store sun-glasses sun tag telephone thumbs-down thumbs-up tree tumblr twitter tiktok wechat user users wheelchair write yelp youtube

Valid through: February 24th, 2025

Save up to $70 on your CooperVision Contact Lenses*

We are pleased to provide our patients with a special rebate offer from CooperVision.  This special offer is only valid from 5/1/16-10/31/16.   Patients can save up to $70 on an annual supply purchase of either Clariti 1 day or Proclear 1 day brand lenses.

  • Purchase of lenses must occur within 90 days of the eye exam.
  • Rebates must be submitted within 60 days from the date of lens purchase.
  • Patients can track their rebate status by going to
  • Rebates are valid for purchases from 5/1/16-10/31/16.  Only one rebate per person, per twelve (12) month period is allowed.
  • Patients will receive a CooperVision visa prepaid card as a rebate reward.
  • If a patient does not have access to the Internet they can call 1-855-806-3234 to request a manual rebate to be mailed to them or ask for help submitting over the phone.

*Additional terms and conditions can be found at