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Dr. Sundeep Kaur

Sundeep, Kaur O.D.

Dr. Kaur is the heart behind Advanced Eyecare, which has proudly served the community for over 30 years. As the Chief Medical Officer since 2019, she has expanded the practice to include two new locations in Carteret and Edgewater, continuing a legacy of exceptional eye care while introducing innovative practices. Dr. Kaur is also the driving force at The Oasis, our newest advanced dry eye treatment room, where she offers the latest therapies to help patients find comfort and relief.

After earning her bachelor’s degree from Drexel University and her Doctorate of Optometry at IAUPR, Dr. Kaur has focused her career on improving the lives of her patients, particularly those struggling with dry eye. She brings expertise in myopia management, specialty contact lens fittings, and disease management, and she is passionate about utilizing cutting-edge treatments.

When she’s not at the office, Dr. Kaur loves spending time with her husband, her two-year-old daughter, and their dog, Diesel who is often a friendly presence at the office. She also enjoys traveling and discovering new restaurants, always on the lookout for her next culinary adventure.

LIC #27OA 00657000
CERT# 27OM00124400