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Advanced Technology for Dry Eye Care

Firefly (WDR) Imaging System

Dry Eye Diagnostics | Meibomian Gland Observation | Orthokeratology

Our new imaging tool is designed for the anterior segment with optional dry eye diagnostics, meibomian gland observation, and orthokeratology.

We’re committed to providing the latest technology for exceptional patient care.  That is why we are so proud to introduce the Firefly’s Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) imaging system.

This remarkable camera utilizes advanced wavelengths to crisply delineate the structural details of the cornea, lens, iris, and other eye anatomy. The result is a level of precision and detail that was previously unimaginable.

But the Firefly’s capabilities don’t stop there. Its unique infrared light source module supports the direct observation of the patient’s Meibomian gland, a small but vital gland responsible for producing the oily layer of the tear film. By providing a better understanding of the meibomian gland, we can aid in assessing the patient’s dry eye syndrome, a common but often underdiagnosed condition.

At Advanced Eyecare, we’re dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of care. That’s why we invest in the latest technology and techniques to ensure that we’re always providing the best possible care.

meibomian gland detail photo

The unique infrared light source module supports the direct observation of the Meibomian gland, and aid in assessing the patient’s dry eye syndrome.

Improves the efficiency and precision of contact lens fitting, and provides a smoother experience for our patients.

Tear Film Photo

High Resolution photo of a patient’s tear film.

Easier to identify dry eye and its causes making a faster and more efficient exam.