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Meet Our New Doctor

Welcome Dr. Hayes

We are so happy to welcome Dr. Hayes to Advanced Eyecare & Vision Gallery.  Dr. Hayes is immediately available to see patients and participates in most insurance plans.  Please call our friendly staff today at 908-281-0800 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam or specialized testing.

Gillian J. Hayes, OD.

Dr. Gillian J. Hayes received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2000.  She graduated from the New England College of Optometry with a dr-hayes-use-this-oneDoctor of Optometry degree with Honors in 2005.   She also completed the Diabetic and Tele-Optometry certificate program at the New England College of Optometry.  She received clinical honors at Newington VA Hospital, Newport Naval Ambulatory Care Center, and Codman Community Health.

Dr. Hayes is experienced in cataract pre and post-op care and emergency eye care.  Her full scope of medical training includes primary eye care for adults, children, and contact lens examinations. She is an active member of the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians and American Optometric Association and a member of the Beta Sigma Kappa National Optometric Honor Society.

Dr. Hayes has a vibrant personality and has the ability to put others at ease.  She enjoys playing golf, tennis, traveling, and spending time with her husband and three children.   She is a native of Scotland and resides in Montgomery, NJ.

Dr. Hayes’ license # OA6282
Dr. Hayes’ Oral medication certification # OM0975